In this blog post I want to introduce you to Agy Wilson and her Halloween poems. Agy and I have been cyber friends for several years now. She is an author and illustrator of children’s books like I am and both have mutual friends online. I am excited to hear about her new Halloween book […]
Halloween Sound Shelf App Review
The other night I was searching through the Apple App Store looking for Halloween related apps and found Halloween Sound Shelf. It caught my eye for several reasons. It is a free app and has interesting graphics. Although I was looking for story apps for the Halloween Cyber Party,I thought this might offer many creative […]
Halloween Cyber Party 2014
These are some of the activities and blog posts and illustrations from last years Halloween Cyber Party 2014. Please contact me by leaving a comment on the form below for information. Halloween Cyber Party 2014 Free Halloween Apps to celebrate the day Last Minute Halloween Memories pictures and a video on my blog […]
Halloween Cyber Party For Illustrators, ...
Some of the illustrators that participated last year in Halloween Cyber Party. It is the time of year for sign up for Halloween Cyber Party For Illustrators Authors and App Developers 2015. Once again I am hosting on this website, my annual event to feature Halloween related illustrations books and apps. This is the third year in […]
Free Common Core Lesson Plans For Teache...
Being a retired teacher, I know the value of finding free common core lesson plans for teachers. Good lesson plans take a while to put together and their are the days when try as hard as you may life happens and you are in a panic to try and come up with […]
How To Find Free Educational Apps For K...
Last week I focused on free apps for teachers and this week I will explore how to find free educational apps for kids. Not that long ago when parents were wanting a specialized training for their child in a certain subject area, the choices were either hiring a personal tutor or buying computer […]
Free Apps For Teachers
It is that time of the year when teachers are returning back to school to get ready for the new school year so how about some free apps for teachers? Teachers have so much expense setting up their classroom and getting ready for the new school year that I thought for this blog post […]
Sun Prints Kids Art Project
Lately it has been very hot and I was thinking that a great summer time art project for kids to try at home is the sun prints art project. Since there has been plenty of hot sun with the temperatures we have been experiencing lately, This is an interesting and fitting art project for the […]
Scholly App – Helping Students Find Scho
Usually I blog about apps,books and crafts for young children, but I feel compelled to share the information I have learned about Scholly App for helping students find scholarships. Being a faithful fan of the TV show, Shark Tank, I saw one of the founders pitch his app to the investors on Shark Tank. A […]
My New Illustrations for April and May 2...
These are some of my newest illustrations for April and May, 2015. These first illustrations were some I created for the theme for Doodle Day for “Animals Using Machines” These are some other random illustrations I did for Doodle Day over the last couple of months. […]