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How To Restore Old Photos Cheap

How To Restore Old Photos Cheap

  Would you like to know how to restore your old photos cheap without paying a specialist? I realized the need for this after finding many of my mother’s old photos. Some of them were her mother’s and were taken before she was born. The approximate age of some of these photos is around 100 […]

Photomyne App Review

What is a Photomyne app review you might be thinking? I have always loved old photos and was told that it was a good idea to convert all old photos into digital files. The reason for this is that they fade, become brittle and lose a lot of their quality over the years. If they […]

Halloween Sound Shelf App Review

Thw Witch and her brew, Jan C Watford, illustrator,

The other night I was searching through the Apple App Store looking for Halloween related apps and found Halloween Sound Shelf.  It caught my eye for several reasons.  It is a free app and has interesting graphics. Although I was looking for story apps for the Halloween Cyber Party,I thought this might offer many creative […]


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